Revelations of the Lion City
Comment of the Day

October 29 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Revelations of the Lion City

My thanks to a subscriber for this article, in response to my comments last Thursday on Singapore as a role model for Deng Xiaoping and some of China's current generation of leaders. Here is the opening:
BEIJING - A 10-part China documentary series on Singapore is titled Lion City Revelation and its producers are determined to uncover everything that makes the tiny country tick.

Not content with just speaking to politicians, businessmen and scholars, the film crew is even shooting Halloween celebrations at Clarke Quay this weekend.

The scale, depth and attention to details have surprised observers and those interviewed by state broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV).

It is a sure sign, they said, that the new Chinese leadership is earmarking Singapore as a model for its renewed push for reforms - both politically and economically.

Most compared it to the CCTV's famous 12-part series in 2006 on the nine great powers of the world, including the United States and Germany.

The state broadcaster this time is devoting 10 episodes to just Singapore.


The series aims to fill the gap, with wide-ranging themes like people's livelihood, education and ethnic groups and rule of law.

"Even our local TV stations may not do something like this," said Tampines GRC MP Baey Yam Keng, who was among a long list of politicians interviewed.

Its television format will help Chinese leaders convince the people that a dominant political party can still ensure prosperity and fairness.

David Fuller's view Some will regard this as little more than a propaganda exercise by China's Government and CCTV. Perhaps, but they could do a lot worse and I repeat my concluding sentence from last Thursday's assessment:

To the extent that vast China can model itself on little Singapore's governance, the more its future will be assured.

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