Most Recent Audio: 29 September 2023

David Fuller and Eoin Treacy's Free (Abbreviated)
Comment of the Day

The more detailed Subscriber's Comment of the Day becomes available for public access after 4 months.

Click HERE to see the most recent free Subscriber's Comment from 02 October, 2023

May 09 2024

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Migration to Substack Complete

This is the last Comment of the Day which will be both posted on our site and Substack. Starting October 2nd 2023 all of the video, audio and written commentary will only be available via

The Chart Library will still be available here. 

Subscribers also have the option to sign up for the Substack chat feature which will provide an online forum for discussion both with me and other subscribers.

Markets Now Zoom events for pro-subscribers will be monthly. I believe the best start time will be 7pm UK time. This will be via zoom and pro subscribers will be provided with the link closer the time. 

Here is a link to the brochure for The Chart Seminar