Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

October 29 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On Browning's comment about thickening sea ice in the Antarctic:
"On The Browning News letter:

I have to say I was very struck by the last sentence of your comment on the above, regarding the difference in sea ice at the polar ice caps. I have for some years lived in South Eastern South Africa and I have to confess I was totally ignorant of the scientific data regarding record amounts of sea ice now around the Antarctic continent. Perhaps this does not fit in with current data regarding the global warming hypothesis.

"My own observations may be a little crude but where I live in St Lucia we have had very much above average rainfall in the past few months and very much lower temperatures. Going forward into summer we should be having average daily temperatures here of about 28 deg Celsius, in effect they are around the 21 degree mark.

"Just putting two and two together one cannot help but reason that the cooling of the Antarctic region has something to do with the weather events we are currently experiencing here."

David Fuller's view Thanks for the personal observation.

This article from Northwest Passage 2012 dot com quotes some possible reasons for the Antarctic ice thickening, and also points out that the process is very slow relative to the rate at which Arctic ice is thinning.

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