Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

November 02 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On Aberdeen Asian Income Fund:
"David/Eoin can the collective offer any information on the Aberdeen Asian Income Fund's forthcoming £50M share placing where existing shareholders can buy C shares at £1 each? There seems to be a paucity of information available. What plans do Aberdeen have for the funds they are raising?

"I know from having attended two excellent Chart Seminars with Eoin, that their chart is very much a textbook chart with the share price continuously rising over time and almost always to the left of its 200 Day MA. I'd grateful for any information from the collective."

David Fuller's view Despite holding the Aberdeen Asian Income Fund (AAIF LN) in my personal SIPPs and ISA accounts, and being on the Aberdeen list for most press releases, I have very little information on this C share issue to date other than what I have recently gleamed from the www. Here is one brief item on it and you will be able to find more.

I will add that AAIF was my main share purchase last year for the accounts mentioned above and I regard it as a key long-term holding. However, it is currently trading on a premium to net asset value of nearly 7%.

Please note - I will be away on Monday.

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