Tim Price: Ten problems, or just one?
Comment of the Day

October 17 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

Tim Price: Ten problems, or just one?

My thanks to the author for his ever interesting letter published by PFP Wealth Management.  Here is the opening quote:

 “Sir, The next financial apocalypse is imminent. I know this to be true because the House & Home section in FT Weekend is now assuming the epic proportions last seen before the great crash. Twenty-four pages chock full of adverts for mansions and wicker tea-trays for $1,000. You’re all mad.

Sell everything and run for your lives.”

- Letter to the FT from Matt Long, Seilh, France, 3rd October 2014.


David Fuller's view

Here is Tim Price's Letter.

I am delighted to say that Tim Price will be the guest speaker at our next Markets Now event in London on 10 November.  

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