Tim Price: Let us stick together
Comment of the Day

September 26 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

Tim Price: Let us stick together

My thanks to the author for his ever interesting letter, published by PFP Wealth Management.  Here is the opening:

“Sir, On reading all the jittery comments in your paper on the issue of Scottish Independence these past few days, I cannot help but notice a supreme irony: ever since the conference of Messina in 1956, there has been a steady stream of predictions by British politicians and media regarding an imminent break-up of the EC / EU, and, more recently, the Eurozone. Yet while the European behemoth struggles on towards ever closer union, the United Kingdom is on the verge of breaking apart for no sensible reason at all.”

- Letter to the FT from Professor Hubert Zimmermann, Professor of International Relations, University of MarburgGermany, 18.9.2014. 

David Fuller's view

Here is Tim Price's Letter.

Even if you are weary of comments on the Scottish referendum, as I am, there are some fascinating historical notes and character observations in this issue.

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