Emails of the day 1 & 2:
Comment of the Day

September 24 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

Emails of the day 1 & 2:

On Scotland and Alex Salmond:

“Likewise the British government (and other parties) need to deliver on their promises to the Scots that were made before people voted. If they see any dithering and wriggling out of what was promised from Westminster then Mr. Salmond will quite rightly start making noise as he did on this occasion underlining the same point - ie the post referendum media reports suggesting that Cameron may seek to link what was promised with devolution for England and thereby delay or water down what was promised to the Scots. The SNP have had a huge increase in Scotland and are the main party there by far (regardless of the referendum final result) and that's not going to change anytime soon regardless of what Boris Johnson may think.” 

And the second email:

“"This is demagoguery from a narcissistic leader who has lost touch with reality."
Well said, and it needs saying loud and clear so everyone sees it.”

David Fuller's view

1) Thanks for your thoughts.  I credit the SNP with opening up the devolution process within our United Kingdom, which I also think is a very good idea and in our mutual interests.  I believe the Conservative government now also holds this view.  The devolution process is not managed on the back of an envelope, but needs to move forward quickly and also responsibly, with the same degree of control over tax and spending policies for all regions of the UK.  Anything less than this would be unfair and far more divisive than the vote that we have just seen in Scotland.  Also, even if voters living in Scotland had voted for independence, the separation would have been a somewhat lengthy legal process as we know. 

And in response to the second email:

2) Thanks for your thoughts on this subject.

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