Cameron Speaking on Scotland Referendum From NATO Meeting
Comment of the Day

September 05 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

Cameron Speaking on Scotland Referendum From NATO Meeting

Here are the two complete paragraphs within quotation marks from this Bloomberg article, regarding what David Cameron said about Scotland during the NATO gathering over the last two days:

“With terrorist threats and other threats, isn’t it better to be part of a United Kingdom that has a top-five defense budget, some of the best intelligence and security services anywhere in the world, that is part of every single alliance that really matters in the world in terms of NATO, the G-8, the G-20, the European Union, a member of the security council of the UN?” Cameron said. “All those networks and abilities to work with allies to keep us safe. Isn’t it better to have those things than separate yourself from them?”

“At a NATO conference, it’s a time when you reflect on the dangers in our world and I don’t think anyone can be in any doubt we live in a very dangerous and insecure world,” Cameron said. “The rest of the United Kingdom cares passionately about our family of nations and wants them to stay.”

David Fuller's view

I am a great admirer of the Bloomberg service but occasionally uncomfortable with the eye-catching headlines which can be misleading.  Therefore, I substituted my own headline above, before listing what Cameron appears to have actually said.

Mrs Fuller and I have historical and also current family roots in both Scotland and England, and we would certainly be saddened if Scots vote to leave the United Kingdom.  The issue is not about whether Scotland can do well on its own.  Of course it can.  However, we have always felt that the United Kingdom was a resourceful, reliable and respected family of nations, as David Cameron points out.  Do we really want to see this pulled apart?     

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