Email of the day
Comment of the Day

July 21 2014

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day

On Europe and the EU:

“There are at least two good reasons for creating a single, democratically-elected EU government. Firstly, because 28 sovereign governments working together does not work in practice. There cannot be an EU foreign and defense policy if there is not a single EU government.

“Secondly, there is a democratic deficit in the EU which is one of the reasons why so many EU citizens have lost faith in the whole EU project. If all EU citizens could elect their own EU government, this democratic deficit would disappear.”

David Fuller's view

I agree, but the EU’s most influential leaders have never trusted their citizens sufficiently to put that possibility to a vote.  EU-wide policy choices have generally been imposed, rather than resolved democratically.  Why not allow six months for discussion on this subject and then put it to a vote in which all EU citizens over the age of 21 have the right to participate:

Do you favour a single EU government?  Yes or No. 

My guess is that the Yes vote would not win.  If so, why not follow up six months later with a second vote:

Do you favour returning to a European Free Trade Association?  Yes or No.

My guess is that this Yes vote would win.

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