Email of the day
Comment of the Day

August 22 2016

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day

On nuclear fission being the bane of human civilization: 

Nuclear fission will ultimately be the bane of human civilization. There are no solutions for storing spent fuel which is stored in pools around reactor sites and will remain deadly for uncounted future generations. The innards of reactors wear out in a several decades but remain deadly to life for tens of thousands of years. How will they be dismantled and stored safely? Multiply these hazards by future reactors yet to be built to imagine the legacy we are leaving. Renewable energy is the only way.

David Fuller's view

Well said.  You are correct and I have not mentioned this often enough. We can reduce the risk with individual reactors by converting to new nuclear but containment of deadly spent fuel from reactors still leaves lethally dangerous sites which have to be cordoned off for ever.  The tradeoff, I suggest, is that even 20th Century nuclear power shortens far fewer lives than any fossil fuel.  Meanwhile, renewable energy is one of the long-term solutions to our requirements but many more people would die prematurely from hardship if we could only use renewables today.  The other long-term solution, which many of us had hoped to see and surely our grandchildren will, is nuclear fusion. 

See also: Why Nuclear Fusion Is Always 30 Years Away, from Science for the Curious Discover.

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