My personal portfolio
Comment of the Day

August 16 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

My personal portfolio

Palladium futures long trade reopened

David Fuller's view Seeing firmness in precious metals this afternoon, led by platinum due to supply concerns and probably some short covering (see last Thursday's posting), I bought some palladium (weekly & daily) because it was lagging at the time. I paid $582.88, including spread-bet dealing costs, for a September position.

I now have long positions in all four of the futures-traded precious metals and am pondering tactics, not least because they all have ranging patterns. Obviously, I am hoping for upside breakouts and trending action. Seasonal factors favour recoveries and I would like to be in from the beginning. However, it has been a Sisyphean experience so far. Shades of Einstein's (allegedly) and Rita May Brown's memorable comment: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result." Nevertheless, I don't think they were talking about markets and the bigger profits come from trend running, although one feels like a mug on seeing paper profits disappear during further ranging.

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