Golden Oldies # 1
Comment of the Day

June 30 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Golden Oldies # 1

David Fuller's view I have long felt that the Fullermoney Archives were a useful resource, for market historians and also anyone considering the service because they answer the question: "What were they saying back then?" Additionally, some subscribers have mentioned that they find the Archive to be a useful source on behavioural and technical methodology, and also for the research reports contained.

Friend and colleague Mark Glowrey was clearing out his desk today (something that I have unsuccessfully aspired to do throughout my entire career) and he found the compliance proof for some ancient Fullermoney copy dated Wednesday 5th June 2002. In those days I was just beginning to post some website copy while Fullermoney was still in its ancient hardcopy format. I found the quotes on gold fascinating and what a contrarian indicator they proved to be.

The main Fullermoney Archive is found above and has a dropdown menu. There is also a Fullermoney Archive of early PDFs shown upper-left, between "What the Press Say" and "Subscriber's Forum". Unfortunately, the very earliest links to charts and articles within Archive items became corrupted, because I did not know what I was doing. So the link to FMP Plus 166 in the item above does not work but I fount that review in the additional Archive shown upper-left. It discusses gold, two gold share funds and my 'Baby Steps' tactic for trading gold and silver futures while they remained within their developing base formations.

Unable to throw anything away, I also have a file of Fullermoney letters from their hardcopy days, commencing with the first issue in March 1984. They contain the occasional interesting item which I am tempted to scan and reproduce on the site in PDF version if subscribers like the idea. Or I could scan each issue in its entirety, warts and all. Please let me know if either of these suggestions would be of interest to you.

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