Email of the day
More on angel investing
"David, the recent references to angel investing in Comment of the Day have been interesting. I have also made angel investments both directly & via the specialist web sites. In addition to the one mentioned yesterday there is also Seedrs which has some "offers" which permit a tiny investment. This may enable the novice to get an understanding of the process before making meaningful investments. I must repeat the points made by others. The 2 Ds are essential; diversity & due diligence."
David Fuller's view My thanks to another very experienced investor for his thoughts and insights on this subject, contributed in the Spirit of Empowerment Through Knowledge.
While no doubt interesting and fun, I would stick to the 5% limit mentioned yesterday for this venture capital exercise. Additionally, you are unlikely to have price charts to guide you, unless you draw your own. Nevertheless, in an era of accelerated technological innovation you should find the occasional start-up big winner.