Email of the day (3)
"Do you still believe that because the euro is a political construct/decision it will survive?"
David Fuller's view That would not make sense. What I have
actually said on a number of occasions is that because the euro is a political
construct, it will survive for as long as the member states retain the collective
will to hold it together. Germany is obviously the key participant in the euro
agreement, because of its economic size and also its prior history.
I have
also said that it was illogical for the euro to be a club which countries could
join but never leave. Practical, not to mention financial realities are testing
the collective will of eurozone officials and political leaders as never before,
and their electorates are increasingly restless.
No one
can know in advance how all this will play out. However, my guess is that the
euro will survive, but it may lose at least Greece over the next few years.
However, it is also likely to gain some more Eastern European countries in line
with their accession