Email of the day (3,4)
Comment of the Day

November 14 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (3,4)

on Irish and South African bond yield updates:
"Hope all is well with you. The Ireland bond yield chart seems to be reflecting a closing date of 11 Oct. Refer to a print screen of today's chart below."


"The chart for the South African 10yr bond does not update. Could you please attend to this?"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you both for these questions which, although disparate, have a similar answer. Ireland has not issued new 10-year debt since last year so there is no longer a 10-year generic rate. I have added the 9-year which is the most appropriate equivalent at the present time. South Africa does not currently have a relevant 10-year maturity so I have added the 15-year to the Chart Library.

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