Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

October 24 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (3)

On my Contrary Opinion Forum presentation, on Thursday 6th October:
"Is it or will it be possible to get the power point of what was your lecture at The Contrary Investor Forum? Thank you!"

David Fuller's view Absolutely. If I am going to take time off from this site to give a presentation, I will also post it on the site for subscribers.

Eoin posted my latest PowerPoint presentation on Friday 7th October.

Obviously, in giving the presentation I do not just stand there and read the bullet points. I elaborate on them and also discuss most of the charts in a little more detail. However as a subscriber you will be familiar with the premises and most of the charts.

I also went off piste at the Forum to talk about HFT, particularly the manic volatility which helps to cause. This is not a benign influence because it can have negative economic consequences to the extent that it signals instability to both the business community and consumers.

My PowerPoint can also be found in the Presentations section, shown upper-left.

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