Email of the day (3)
Comment of the Day

August 23 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (3)

on Chart Library Favourites:
"I know how to move individual charts in my favorites list from one place to the other. If I want to move an entire folder from one spot in my favorite list to another is it possible to do that? Also is it possible to have more than one favorite list?"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for these questions which may be of interest to subscribers. For those less familiar with moving items from one section to another in your Favourites, you can simply drag and drop the desired item from one to the other. If you would like the item to appear in both sections simply hold down the SHIFT key when dragging. It is not possible to move a whole section because the title was created more as a heading than a folder by our programmers. We believe that having the ability to minimize sections when not in use negates the need for multiple Favourites lists. Minimising a section can be achieved by clicking on the "-"to the left of the section heading.

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