Email of the day 2 on relative charts in the Library
Comment of the Day

December 16 2013

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day 2 on relative charts in the Library

“Hi David Apologies if this has been covered in your audio comments - is the intention with the chart library to re-introduce the relative charts? I found those very useful - e.g. emerging market equities vs S&P 500, S&P 500 vs Gold, Gold vs Oil, etc?” 

David Fuller's view

This had not been covered in the Audios and there will certainly be no lasting downgrades or omissions from the Chart Library.  However, I can pass on Eoin¡¯s comment that the relative charts, overlays, spreads, backwardation/contango and interest rate differential charts have not been recreated yet.  Technicians are working on ironing out a bug concerning how these charts display. 


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