Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

June 29 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (2)

on changing one's subscription (Ed: my deletion of names):
"I have a question on subscription. XXX and I are both your subscribers under the individual category. We've gotten our colleagues interested in your service and would like to check if we are able to convert our (individual) subscriptions to a corporate category and transfer the unconsumed portion over?

"For a small company of 5 persons (incl. XXX and myself), what is the subscription charge?"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for your support and your attendance at my talk to the Technical Analysis Society Singapore in April. I look forward to another visit to your vibrant country in coming years.

We offer a discounted rate for corporate group subscriptions and suggest that we refund you the pro-rata amount of both your remaining subscriptions and simultaneously begin 5 new subscriptions for you and your colleagues. This will ensure you experience no interruption to the service.

The relevant costs would be as follows:

Subscriber 1 £525.00
Subscriber 2 £425.00
Subscriber 3 £425.00
Subscriber 4 £425.00
Subscriber 5 £375.00

This represents a saving of 17% on the headline rate for 5 subscriptions. Anyone who would like to discuss availing of group rate for their organization should contact Sarah Barnes at [email protected].

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