Email of the day (1)
“Thought you might be interested in the report below. Coming from an economist I'll take it with a grain of salt.”
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this interesting article.
Today's Mineweb quoted the same report and carries some additional information.
Here is a section:
have risen fast and potential profits are being dialed down as commodity prices
deflate and analysts reassess both shorter and longer term commodity demand
from emerging Asia. That doesn't necessarily say that some of the next found
of mega mining projects may not get the green light," said Deloitte Access.
the major mining projects now underway are Newcrest's A$1.9 billion expansion
of the Cadia East gold mine near Orange NSW, Xstrata's A$1.1 billion Ulan Underground
coal mine; the $900 million upgrade of the Newcastle coal terminal; BHP Billiton's
$4.2 billion Caval Ridge coal project in Queensland and the five and sixth stages
of its Rapid Growth iron ore project, costing $6.7 billion and $3.2 billion,
respectively, in Western Australia; and Fortescue's $4 billion Solomon iron
ore project also in Western Australia.
the report noted, "Mining companies are making it clear the current spike
in investment is due to decisions taken a while back, whereas we are getting
few new mining mega-projects across the line."
Australia's resource-related economic pick-up is threatened in particular if
the Olympic Dam expansion gets pushed backed further in time. "The state
is blessed with a world-class resource in Olympic Dam, and the economics will
stack up at some stage for the mining sector to invest something like $20 billion
(perhaps even $30 billion) to bring that potential to fruition."
Commodity demand growth estimates raced ahead in the last decade as commodity
prices rallied. Ambitious expansion plans were adopted as miners began to compete
for market share particularly outside the iron-ore sector. However, China's
gradual evolution from an infrastructure driven growth model to a more consumer
oriented one is forcing a reassessment. The absolute level of demand, having
more than doubled in the last decade is unlikely to decline meaningfully but
the pace of demand growth is declining. This has put downward pressure on industrial
metal prices and mining shares.
iron-ore, coal and natural gas industries have grown considerably in the last
decade. However, it would be rash to expect these sectors to continue to expand
at the same pace over the next decade, when the pace of demand growth is already
easing. Nevertheless, the raw materials sector is likely to remain a highly
significant employer over just about any timeframe.