Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

March 24 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (1)

on saving custom charts
"You mention in Tuesday's written commentary that "you can create a ratio, spread or overlay from any two instruments in the Chart Library using the Charting tool".

"Please can you advise whether it is possible to save a customised chart to one's Favourites? I have a couple of charts upon which I would like to overlay stock market movements and certain currency pairs but have found difficulty saving these for later reference. Am I doing something wrong?

"Thank you for all the material that yourself and David continue to provide."

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this question which may also be of interest to other subscribers. You are obviously familiar with how to create ratios, overlays and spreads but for those who might not be, here is a link to the relevant instructions.

The Chart Library has a number of spreads, overlays and ratios hardwired into the system which are available via the menus or the searches. If you want to save a particular overlay you have created, for example the FTSE overlaid with Cable, you will need to save the operation you went through to create the chart as a Preset template. (Here is a link to the relevant instructions). You can then put the first instrument in a section of your Favourites and apply the Preset template to it whenever you wish to see the overlay. This will allow you to view a number of instruments overlaid with the same instrument in quick succession.

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