Crypto Research Report
Comment of the Day

March 14 2018

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Crypto Research Report

Thanks to a subscriber for this report on cryptocurrencies from the team Incrementum which may be of interest. Here is a section:

Do you see any common misconceptions about cryptocurrencies and blockchains?  

Yes, actually. There is the misconception that intangible assets do not have value. However, this is not true: some cryptocurrencies are backed by tangible assets, some provide access to potential earnings, and some provide access to a network. 

We can look at this argument the other way around as well. If I am wrong, and it is the case that intangible assets have no value, then this would apply to a lot of other asset classes as well. For example, fiat currencies are mostly intangible. Although fiat currencies are backed by a government that can tax income, that does not make fiat currencies tangible in my opinion. 

However, I think we are the very beginning of the blockchain revolution. At Incrementum, we believe that a lot of the cryptocurrencies that we see today are going to disappear in the short to mid-term. There is potential for some to stay, and for some to stay for a long time. If cryptocurrencies stay around, I am convinced that regulators will regulate cryptocurrencies like every other investment, which they should do in order to level the playing field for all financial assets.

Eoin Treacy's view

Here is a link to the full report.

Bitcoin was the genesis token and is still by far the largest. It is also used as a vehicle to purchase a considerable number of other cryptocurrencies, so that creates a daisy chain effect which ensures a high degree of commonality between the various tokens.

The acceleration in the bitcoin price, which was even greater than the accelerations the price had already posted, marked at least a medium-term ending and quite possibly a long-term ending. The greatest challenge for bitcoin is that the technology is evolving so rapidly that both the sophistication of new blockchains and the inability of the legacy architecture to iterate means there is a real chance that bitcoin will not be the primary token of any future blockchain technology.

In that regard, Bitcoin could be to Netscape what the blockchain is the internet. Netscape has long disappeared but the internet has survived, thrived and is now led by a total different group of pioneers like Google, Amazon and Facebook.  

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